Drinking Enough Water?

Drinking Enough Water?

Hello, it’s Dr. Curry-Winchell, Dr. BCW for short. Are you drinking enough water? Today, let’s discuss hydration and the amount of water you need to drink. Staying properly hydrated is crucial for maintaining good health, but the ideal fluid intake can vary depending on several factors. This article will explore important considerations and tips to help you stay hydrated.


Factors Affecting Hydration Needs:

It’s important to understand that the amount of water you need to drink can depend on various factors. These include diet, age, activity level, climate, and overall health. While there are general guidelines, individual hydration needs may vary. Factors such as intense physical activity, exposure to hot or dry environments, illness, or pregnancy may increase water requirements. If you have any specific concerns or questions, it’s always wise to consult a healthcare professional for personalized recommendations.

Here are some links with general recommendations for water intake.

Fluids and Hydration:

Remember that hydration is not limited to drinking plain water alone. Fluids from various sources contribute to your overall hydration. Beverages like tea, coffee, milk, and even foods like fruits, vegetables, and yogurt contain water and can help meet your fluid needs. The key is maintaining a well-balanced intake of fluids from different sources throughout the day.


Monitoring Hydration:

A simple way to gauge your hydration status is to monitor the color of your urine. Typically, pale yellow urine indicates good hydration levels. Darker yellow or orange urine may suggest you need to increase your fluid intake. However, certain medications, vitamins, and foods can also affect urine color and hydration needs. When assessing your hydration, it’s essential to consider other factors, including urine color, and if you have any questions, of course, reach out to a healthcare provider.


Listening to Your Body:

While general guidelines exist, listening to your body’s signals and responding accordingly is paramount. If you feel thirsty, it’s a sign that your body needs fluids. Additionally, pay attention to other signs of dehydration, such as dry mouth, fatigue, headache, or reduced urine output. Your body is unique, and by being mindful of its cues, you can ensure you’re adequately hydrated.



Hydration is fundamental to maintaining good health, and the amount of water you need to drink can vary based on several factors. Remember that staying hydrated involves more than just drinking plain water; fluids from beverages and foods also contribute to your overall hydration. By listening to your body’s signals, monitoring the color of your urine, and considering individual factors, you can ensure you’re meeting your hydration needs. If you have any specific concerns or questions, consult with a healthcare professional who can provide personalized guidance.

Stay informed and make well-informed decisions about your health and well-being.

-Dr. Curry-Winchell (Dr. BCW)


Prevent Heatstroke

Prevent Heatstroke

Hi, it’s Dr. Curry-Winchell, or Dr. BCW for short. With the summer heat in full swing taking precautions and ensuring you stay safe while enjoying outdoor activities is important. Excessive heat and intense sun exposure can lead to heat-related illnesses such as heat exhaustion and heatstroke. Today I will share some tips on beating the summer heat and enjoying your favorite activities while staying cool and protected.


Understanding Heat Exhaustion:

Heat exhaustion can occur when your body is exposed to high temperatures or when you overexert yourself in hot weather. Recognizing the signs of heat exhaustion is crucial. Symptoms may include heavy sweating, increased heart rate, dizziness, fatigue, headache, and nausea. It’s important to note that heat exhaustion can develop slowly or rapidly, and everyone’s tolerance for heat varies. Watch for these symptoms in yourself and those around you who may be more susceptible to heat related illness’s like heatstroke.


Taking Action for Heat Exhaustion:

Taking immediate action is essential if you or someone else shows signs of heat exhaustion. Get out of the heat and into a cooler environment quickly. Drink plenty of water to rehydrate, and consider using cooling towels or ice packs to lower body temperature. Resting in a shaded area and elevating the legs can also be helpful. Remember, addressing heat exhaustion promptly can prevent it from escalating into a more severe condition like heatstroke.


Understanding Heatstroke:

Heatstroke is a medical emergency and requires immediate attention. Symptoms of heatstroke may include hot, red skin (dry or damp), a body temperature of 103°F or higher, rapid pulse, and confusion or loss of consciousness. If you encounter someone experiencing heatstroke, call for medical help immediately, as this condition can be life-threatening. In the meantime, move the person to a cooler area, remove excess clothing, and cool their body using wet towels or a cool bath.


Tips for Staying Cool and Safe:

Preventing heat-related illnesses like heatstroke starts with taking proactive measures. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

1. Take Regular Breaks: Whether you’re working or engaging in outdoor activities, schedule regular breaks in shaded or air-conditioned areas. Allow your body time to cool down and recover.

2. Use Cooling Strategies: Cooling towels, wet rags, or wearing a damp t-shirt around your head or neck can help regulate body temperature and provide relief from the heat.

3. Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water is essential to prevent dehydration. To stay hydrated, if plain water isn’t appealing, try consuming foods with high water content, like berries, cucumber, and yogurt. Remember, thirst is a sign of dehydration, so drink water even before you feel thirsty.

4. Dress Appropriately: Opt for lightweight, loose-fitting clothing in light colors to reflect sunlight and keep you cooler. Wearing a wide-brimmed hat and using sunscreen with a high SPF also offer protection from the sun’s harmful rays.



Enjoying the summer while staying cool and safe is possible with some simple precautions. By recognizing the signs of heat exhaustion and heatstroke, taking regular breaks, staying hydrated, and using cooling strategies, you can protect yourself and others from the risks of excessive heat exposure. So get out there, enjoy the summer, and keep cool!

Stay informed and make well-informed decisions about your health and well-being.
-Dr. Curry-Winchell (Dr. BCW)


Black Mothers Dying

Black Mothers Dying

Hi, it’s Dr. Curry-Winchell or Dr. BCW for short.  I am thrilled to share insights from my recent TEDx talk on Black Maternal Mortality with you. In this talk I cover a topic that has gotten some recent press, Black Mothers Dying. I shed light on the persistent issue of race-based medical practices and unconscious bias within our healthcare system and its real impact on black health. Specifically the life expectancy of black mothers. If you want to see more you can also check out my recent BBC interview which aired shortly before my TEDx talk was released.


Real-Life Stories:

During my TEDx talk, I wanted to urge the audience to grasp the gravity of the situation. I began by recounting the near-death experience of Serena Williams, a world-renowned athlete and champion. Serena’s terrifying encounter during childbirth highlights that even individuals with access to the best healthcare are not exempt from the dangers black mothers face during pregnancy. When disparities in black health are discussed, the argument inevitably falls to “lack of access.” Still, for maternal mortality, this is not the case. Affluent Black Mothers are dying 3x the rate compared to white women despite access to the best healthcare.


Unconscious Bias:

Unconscious bias is an invisible force that affects everyone. It affects our perceptions and decisions without us even realizing it. I shared a personal story from my experience as a patient and mother. My concerns were dismissed due to unconscious bias. If not for my personal relationships in medicine and the help of my husband, these dismissals could have cost me my life. Even though unconscious bias affects everyone, when the results of unconscious bias severely negatively impacts one group, it is something we must address. With Black Mothers dying at a 3x rate compared to other races this shows real negative impacts.


Invisible Pain:

One persistent stereotype that took hold many years ago was the thought that individuals with black skin feel less pain. I delved into the dark history of medical experimentation on enslaved black women, where pain medication was withheld under this false belief. And, of course, sadly, this bias persists today, as research shows that healthcare providers may struggle to recognize pain in black patients. Other studies have shown that many medical students believe black patients have thicker skin and feel less pain. This incorrect belief and subsequent disparity in pain management puts lives at risk and calls for immediate action.


Race-Based Medical Practices:

A significant issue I called out in my TEDx talk was the flawed VBAC scoring system. The original VBAC pushed risky medical procedures on specific racial and ethnic groups while pushing others towards safer natural births. I emphasized that race is a social construct and should not determine medical decisions. While progress has been made with revising the VBAC, I highlighted the need for continued change. I urged healthcare providers to advocate for updated policies and comprehensive training. Addressing race based medicine will help reduce black mothers dying during child birth.


Taking Action Together:

I ask everyone, healthcare providers and patients, to be agents of change. I called upon my fellow healthcare professionals to educate themselves about the fallacy of race-based medicine and to actively challenge these practices within their institutions. To patients, I stressed the importance of speaking up when witnessing racial inequities and engaging in self-reflection to confront our own biases. If we all look at our own biases we can overcome Black Mothers dying 3x and so much more.



This TEDx talk on Black Maternal Mortality was incredibly emotional for me. I shared a very personal story from my life. I share my passion and commitment to addressing race-based medical practices and unconscious bias. My hope is that by shedding light on these issues that result in Black Mothers dying more than any other race, we can create a healthcare system that is equitable for every individual, regardless of race or ethnicity.


Stay informed and make well-informed decisions about your health and well-being.

-Dr. Curry-Winchell (Dr. BCW)

Ear Wax Removal

Ear Wax Removal

Hi, it’s Dr. Curry-Winchell or Dr. BCW. Today, let’s talk about a common condition many experience—ear wax. While ear wax is usually harmless, there are instances when it can cause discomfort and require medical intervention. In this article, we will explore: the symptoms of excessive ear wax, the importance of seeking professional care, and what to expect during a visit to a healthcare provider for ear wax removal.


Symptoms of Excessive Ear Wax:

Excessive ear wax buildup can lead to various symptoms that may require attention. These include pain, hearing loss, pressure, muffled sounds, hearing an echo, dizziness, and a sensation similar to being underwater or changing altitudes. If you experience any of these symptoms, please consider consulting a healthcare provider. A healthcare provider can determine if ear wax removal is required.


Professional Care and Avoiding Self-Help Methods:

When faced with ear wax-related issues, avoiding the use of cotton tips, bobby pins, or any other objects in your ear is crucial. These methods can push the ear wax deeper into the ear canal, exacerbating the situation or potentially causing damage to the delicate structures of the ear, including the eardrum. Seeking professional care is the safest approach for effective, safe removal.


Visiting a Healthcare Provider:

During a visit to a healthcare provider, an examination will be conducted to determine the presence and extent of ear wax buildup and if ear wax removal is required. The provider will use an otoscope, a medical device that shines a light deep into the ear, to inspect the ear canal thoroughly. If excess wax is observed, the provider may opt to soften the wax by introducing a water-based solution containing either hydrogen or carbamide peroxide into the ear. This process typically produces a popping or crackling sound similar to crisp rice cereal.


Wax Removal Procedure:

After allowing the wax-softening solution to take effect for a few minutes. Finally, the provider will conduct the ear wax removal using a bulb syringe or a spray bottle filled with warm water. It is vital for the provider to examine the eardrum before and after wax removal. This allows the provider to ensure there is no infection or damage. 



Excessive ear wax can cause discomfort and affect your hearing. If you experience symptoms related to ear wax buildup, it’s important to seek professional care instead of attempting ear wax removal yourself. A healthcare provider will assess the situation, soften the wax using a safe solution, and remove it using appropriate tools. Remember, maintaining ear health involves avoiding inserting objects into your ear and seeking professional care when necessary.

Stay informed and make well-informed decisions about your health and well-being.

-Dr. Curry-Winchell (Dr. BCW)

Important Health Tips Before Surgery

Important Health Tips Before Surgery

Hi, it’s Dr. Curry-Winchell or Dr. BCW. I want to discuss some information health tips to know before surgery, tips that patients rarely receive regarding surgery. Surgery can be a daunting experience, but being well-prepared and informed can help alleviate some of the anxiety. So let us discuss some crucial aspects to consider before undergoing surgery. Often overlooked factors can significantly impact your post-operative experience and overall recovery.

Pain Medication and Constipation Risk:

It’s essential to be aware that certain medications prescribed for pain relief before, during, or after surgery can lead to constipation. Powerful painkillers, such as narcotics, can affect your digestive system, causing disruptions in regular bowel activity. To minimize the risk, consider taking a stool softener a few days before the surgery and while using pain medications. This simple step can help prevent discomfort and ensure a smoother recovery process.


Hydration and Frequent Urination:

During recovery, you may find yourself resting in bed and drinking less water than usual. Nevertheless, it’s crucial to stay hydrated and make a conscious effort to pee regularly. Holding urine for extended periods can create a breeding ground for bacteria, increasing the likelihood of developing a urinary tract infection (UTI). Additionally, prolonged immobility weakens bladder muscles, leading to potential complications.


Movement and Blood Clot Prevention:

If your surgeon allows it, staying active or mobile after surgery is highly recommended. Prolonged periods of sitting or lying down without movement can impede blood flow, potentially leading to the formation of blood clots, known as deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Blood clots can have severe consequences and even be life-threatening. By engaging in light activity and regular leg movements, you encourage blood circulation, reducing the risk of DVT and promoting a faster recovery.


Open Dialogue with Your Surgeon:

Open communication with your surgeon is vital before, during, and after surgery. Ask questions about the procedure, expected outcomes, potential alternatives, and necessary preparations. Being well-informed will help you mentally prepare and have realistic expectations, whether the surgery is minor or major. An open dialog with your surgeon ensures that you know what to expect and can actively participate in your recovery.



Surgery can be a challenging experience, but being well-informed about potential risks and taking appropriate precautions can greatly improve your recovery. Remember to address concerns regarding pain medication, stay hydrated and make frequent bathroom visits, remain as active as allowed under your surgeon’s guidance, and engage in open conversations with your surgeon. Implementing these important health tips before surgery can enhance your surgical experience and set the foundation for a successful recovery.

Vaping: Beyond Harmless Water Vapor

Vaping: Beyond Harmless Water Vapor

Hi, it’s Dr. Curry-Winchell or Dr. BCW. I recently partnered with the Nevada Cancer Coalition to discuss the dangers vaping poses to young people. In recent years, e-cigarettes or vape pens have gained popularity among young adults as a safer alternative to traditional tobacco cigarettes. However, it is crucial to understand that vaping poses significant risks to the health of young individuals, particularly those under 25. Contrary to popular belief, e-cigarettes do not merely emit harmless water vapor. In this blog post, we will explore the potential dangers of vaping and shed light on the importance of raising awareness about these risks.

The Reality of Vaping

E-cigarettes produce an aerosol, commonly mistaken for water vapor, that can contain harmful chemicals found in the e-juice used to fuel them. When inhaled, these aerosols enter the lungs, similar to traditional tobacco cigarettes, and like combustible cigarette smoke, this aerosol is also exhaled into the surrounding environment. This exhaled aerosol can pose a potential danger to those nearby, making passive exposure a cause for concern.

Nicotine and Its Impact

One of the most common concerns associated with vaping is the presence of nicotine. Nicotine, when inhaled, can disrupt the development of both the lungs and the brain, particularly in individuals under the age of 25. Young adults are still in a critical stage of growth and development, and exposing their developing bodies to nicotine can have long-lasting effects. It is important to realize the dangers of vaping extend beyond addiction; they can affect overall health and well-being.

Unintended Consequences of Flavoring

Flavored e-juices are extremely popular among e-cigarette users, with approximately 85% opting for flavored options. However, these flavors were not designed to be inhaled and may pose serious health risks. Artificial flavors used in e-cigarettes have been linked to the development of lung diseases. Shockingly, these flavors can contain dangerous chemicals such as benzene and heavy metals like nickel, tin, and lead. The inhalation of these substances can have severe consequences on respiratory health.

Taking Proactive Steps

Young adults must understand the risks to their health and the health of those around them. Recognizing that there is no safe use of e-cigarettes among youth, especially between the ages of 10 and 25, is the first step toward informed decision-making. By understanding the dangers of vaping, young individuals can make more informed choices about their well-being.


Vaping is not the harmless activity it is often portrayed to be. The risks associated with e-cigarettes extend far beyond harmless water vapor. The aerosol produced by these devices contains harmful chemicals, which, when inhaled, can disrupt the development of the lungs and the brain in young adults. Moreover, while enticing, the flavors used in e-cigarettes can introduce dangerous substances into the respiratory system. 

For more information on this topic, please visit HealthyLungsNV.org or these other sources.

Remember, your health matters.

Dr. Curry-Winchell (Dr. BCW)


Ensuring Water Safety

Ensuring Water Safety

Hi, it’s Dr. Curry-Winchell or Dr. BCW. as National Water Safety Month comes to end end I wanted to discuss an important topic: Water Safety. Whether enjoying the beach, pool, or even at home, implementing these year-round tips can help prevent accidents and save lives.

1. Swim with a companion:

Always remember the importance of swimming with a friend, family member, or lifeguard nearby. In an emergency, having others around significantly increases your chances of survival. Remember, even strong swimmers can find themselves in dangerous situations. A recent incident where a US Olympic swimmer fainted while swimming reminds us that unforeseen circumstances can affect anyone. If not for her swim coach’s quick actions, the swimmer would have drowned.



2. Timesharing…not a condo in Hawaii:

It’s easy to assume that everyone is watching for one another in a group, particularly when children are involved. Unfortunately, this false sense of security can be dangerous. Establish a schedule for supervision, dividing the day into equal blocks to ensure everyone gets a chance to relax while maintaining safety. By doing so, you create a system where someone is always focused on water safety and watching out for the little ones and vulnerable individuals in your group.


3. Stay vigilant:

If your child is swimming, it’s crucial to be present and attentive. If you need to step away momentarily, ask a trusted friend or family member to watch over your child or take them with you. Even if your child is a proficient swimmer, never assume they are invulnerable. Continuously supervise them as if they cannot swim. Remember, drowning is the leading cause of death for children ages 1-4 and the 2nd leading cause for children 5-14.



4. Beware of Overconfidence:

Avoid relying solely on floaties or “puddle jumpers” for children who cannot swim, as they can create a false sense of security. This could lead to a child jumping into a pool without the necessary support, mistakenly believing they can swim or float. Instead, prioritize swimming lessons and appropriate safety measures to ensure their protection.


5. Water Safety at Home:

Even within the confines of your home, water can pose risks. When using a bathtub, check the water temperature (it should not exceed 120°F) to prevent scalding accidents. Remember that even shallow water, as little as an inch or two, can be hazardous for children. Always remain vigilant and never leave a child unattended near any water source.


6. Empower yourself:

Taking the time to learn CPR can be a life-saving skill. You can make a difference in an emergency and potentially save someone’s life. Consider enrolling in a CPR course and equipping yourself with this invaluable knowledge.

On National Safety Day, prioritize water safety and proactively protect our loved ones by implementing these tips; 

  • Swimm with companions
  • Staying vigilant
  • Empowering ourselves through CPR training

Stay safe and enjoy the water responsibly.

Dr. BCW (Dr. Curry-Winchell)

Maternal Mortality – Health with Attitude

Maternal Mortality – Health with Attitude

Dr. BCW, Dr. Curry-Winchell, participates in a regular segment with Eugene L. Green called Health With Attitude.  In the most recent installment, Dr. BCW talks with Eugene on Mother’s Day about Maternal Mortality in Black Mother’s.  There are serious disparities between black mothers and white mothers when it comes to death during pregnancy and it is something that needs to be addressed and taken seriously as it is literally killing mothers.

Dr. Curry-Winchell also recently did a blog on this topic as well.  Find that here – https://drbcw.com/maternal-mortality-in-black-women/

Check out this important video that highlights a serious equity issue that is terrorizing the black community.

Remember, to subscribe to Beyond Clinical Walls.  It really helps the channel and it helps Dr. BCW continue to provide helpful informations on health topics, health literacy and health inequity .  Thank you so much for your support – Dr. Curry-Winchell

Danger of Supplements

Danger of Supplements

Dr. BCW, Dr. Curry-Winchell’s, health series Beyond Clinical Walls, talks about the danger of supplements after a recent study that found dangerously high levels of Melatonin in some gummy supplements.

In this episode of Beyond Clinical Walls, Dr. Curry-Winchell M.D., aka Dr. BCW, talks about a recent study that found dangerously high levels of Melatonin in some gummy supplements that were reviewed.  With some gummies having over 300% the recorded amount of Melatonin and some having zero Melatonin.  And some had substances that were not even recorded on the label at all.  It is important to be very mindful about vitamin and hormonal supplements you take.  Some can have negative impacts on your health.  Since there are no regulations regarding the manufacturing, distribution or marketing of supplements you also never know what you are actually getting.  To learn more about the danger of supplements, check out this video to learn more.  Make sure and check out this episode to learn more.

Remember, to subscribe to Beyond Clinical Walls.  It really helps the channel.  It also helps Dr. BCW continue to provide helpful informations on health topics, health literacy and health inequity .  Thank you so much for your support – Dr. Curry-Winchell

No Menthol Sunday

No Menthol Sunday

Hi, it’s Dr. Curry-Winchell, Dr. BCW, and today, let’s talk about No Menthol Sunday. No Menthol Sunday is an important initiative that aims at addressing the issue of menthol cigarettes and their impact on Black communities. Let’s delve into this topic and shed light on menthol.

The Influence of Menthol Marketing

Menthol is a minty flavor added to tobacco products, enticing younger individuals to start smoking and making it more challenging for them to quit. Shockingly, research reveals that 85% of Black smokers prefer menthol cigarettes, while only 30% of White smokers do. This is not an accident. This results from decades of targeted marketing efforts by the tobacco industry in Black communities.

The Role of the Tobacco Industry

The tobacco industry has invested heavily in advertising menthol products in Black publications and communities for years. This deliberate strategy has perpetuated the disproportionate prevalence of menthol cigarette use among Black smokers. By specifically targeting these communities, the tobacco industry has contributed to the disparities in health outcomes Black individuals face.

The Difficulty in Quitting Menthol

Studies have shown that quitting menthol cigarettes is more challenging than quitting tobacco without this flavor. The menthol’s cooling sensation can create a soothing effect, making it harder for individuals to break free from the addiction. Consequently, many Black smokers find it especially difficult to quit smoking.

The Impact on Health and Quality of Life

More than 16 million Americans currently live with smoking-related diseases. Black smokers, in particular, experience a higher burden of smoking-related health issues, such as shortness of breath, chest pain, chronic cough, and recurring lung infections. These symptoms disrupt their ability to engage in daily activities and enjoy life fully.

No Menthol Sunday and Taking Action

No Menthol Sunday is an important initiative to raise awareness about the impact of menthol cigarettes and support Black communities in overcoming this challenge. By educating individuals about the harmful effects of menthol and providing resources for quitting, this campaign seeks to empower Black smokers to make healthier choices and improve their overall well-being.

Getting Involved

I highly recommend watching “Black Lives / Black Lungs” by Lincoln Mondy on YouTube (link here). This eye-opening video sheds light on the intersection of race, tobacco marketing, and the impact on Black lives. To learn more about “No Menthol Sunday” and the organization responsible for establishing it, The Center for Black Health and Equity, please visit their websites. By supporting these organizations and spreading awareness about the impact of menthol cigarettes, we can help reduce health disparities and promote healthier communities.


The impact of menthol cigarettes on Black communities is a pressing issue that requires our attention. We can make a difference by supporting initiatives like “No Menthol Sunday” and promoting health equity for all. Stay informed, take action, and remember your health matters.

– Dr. BCW (Dr. Curry-Winchell)