COVID misinformation – Why I trust the data

COVID misinformation – Why I trust the data

Dr. BCW, “Why I trust the data” – Dr. Curry-Winchell,  tells the Nevada Independent why we should trust the data and not fall for COVID misinformation.

Read the full Nevada Independent article here

Dr. BCW,

There is an abundance of data and information—and misinformation—surrounding COVID-19 and the vaccine. For the general public, it might be hard to understand what the data actually mean or even trust the information being presented.  

As a physician, I rely upon peer-reviewed journals to make the best-informed decisions about my patients and implement my knowledge and experience as a medical professional accordingly. Created by scientists and physicians, peer reviews are vital tools that present an even deeper exploration into the studies of different disease processes and provide me with the optics of how a group of people are experiencing a disease as a whole.

Through this lens, I’m able to decide whether I want to endorse the use of a medication, or wait until there is another review with more information. For example, I like to see if a blind study was involved and the number of patients who participated, which can affect the overall outcome and accuracy of results.

For the COVID-19 vaccine, I looked to the works of virologist Dr. Kizzy Corbett, who was part of the clinical trials for the vaccine. Seeing how strong, robust, and accurate her work was provided me with my initial layer of trust. I then looked at how the studies were performed, and made certain they included all races, ages and ethnicities, and also that they were blind studies — meaning they included participants who didn’t know whether they were receiving the vaccine or a placebo. (In addition, mRNA vaccines were studied well past the beginning of the pandemic, which many people are completely unaware of. The history of mRNA vaccines and the way the trials were performed helped me trust that the vaccine would be effective.)

I’ve also used data I’ve found in specific studies to make decisions for my pediatric patients….

Dr. BCW further explains “Why I trust the data” in the full Nevada Independent article.

It takes two: The importance of getting the second dose of the vaccine

It takes two: The importance of getting the second dose of the vaccine

Dr. BCW, Dr. Curry-Winchell, tells the Nevada Independent about the importance of getting the second dose of the vaccine for COVID-19

Read the full Nevada Independent article here

Dr. BCW,

With emergence of the Delta variant and COVID-19 cases on the rise again in Nevada, it’s important to get the second shot as it provides a full layer of protection.

The Delta variant is highly transmissible and is leading to an increase in cases, hospitalizations, and unfortunately, death. We have witnessed the destruction it has caused in other countries, making it imperative that we understand just how fortunate we are in the U.S. to have the vaccine readily available to protect ourselves, our families, and our communities. In order to have the most protection, the second shot is necessary in arming yourself against the virus.

Still, while the vaccine is widely available and improvements in access to the vaccine have been made, many are hesitant to return for the second dose. As of this writing, the Nevada Health Response Tracker cited that 47 percent of Nevada’s population (ages 12 years and older), have been fully vaccinated.

When we look at why people do not return to receive the second shot, we hear several reasons in the field. In most cases after getting the first shot, patients will experience soreness at the injection site, fatigue and body aches, and some overall malaise which can deter them from going back to get the second dose. However, I like to remind my patients (as well as the public), that these side effects are temporary and the body’s way of arming itself. Think of it as a “dress rehearsal” – should you ever come into contact with COVID-19.

Misinformation is another factor for those not returning. With the exception of the Janssen shot, the clinical trials were based on two shots only. By discovering this information, it revealed a high-level of protection with both Pfizer and Moderna, and the one-dose Janssen. With just one shot of Pfizer and Moderna, there is uncertainty about the level of protection you will receive….

Dr. BCW continues on The Nevada Independent.

Vaccinations for children ages 12 and up: Another level of protection

Vaccinations for children ages 12 and up: Another level of protection

Dr. BCW, Dr. Curry-Winchell, talks vaccinations for children ages 12 and up with Nevada Independent


Read full Nevada Independent article here

Dr. Curry-Winchell: Recently the Pfizer vaccine was authorized for children ages 12 to 15, and, at the time of this writing, Moderna is now seeking FDA emergency authorization for this age group as well. With this in mind –– and as a family physician ­–– one of the most common questions I hear from patients is why should I get my child vaccinated?

Risk vs. benefits

There is a misconception that children are not affected by COVID-19. While children may not display overt symptoms of the virus, it is possible for them to transmit to others, and they can play a role in the asymptomatic spread of the virus, leading to an increase in the number of cases, hospitalization, and death. Additionally, children ages 12-15 may transmit the virus as readily as adults, which can lead to an increase in COVID cases.

Additionally, there have been children who have experienced complications and conditions such as multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C), a condition with lasting effects that could inhibit children from participating in regular activities.

With the summer approaching, the vaccine would provide reassurance that children 12+ are not transmitting it to others, including other younger household members, grandparents, those with compromised immune systems, or those who are not eligible to receive the vaccine. It also provides hope they can return to participating in summer camps, visiting their loved ones, and enjoying other summer activities.   

Back to school

Getting children vaccinated now also provides protection for the school year. When they’re back in school, there is an increased risk of possible transmission as the COVID-19 virus is highly contagious. By having your child vaccinated, you are allowing them to enter the school year with a layer of protection that decreases the risk of them getting sick.

Is it safe?

The clinical trial enrolled more than 2,000 participants ages 12 to 15, with half of the participants receiving a vaccine dose and the other half a saline placebo. The participants were followed and closely monitored for at least two months to ensure their safety following the second dose. They found that the vaccine’s efficacy was consistent across teens and adults. The trials also showed that there were no known differences across age groups and that there weren’t any real adverse outcomes. As a parent and a physician, this provided me with a level of reassurance that vaccine is safe for children ages 12 and up……

Dr. Curry-Winchell continues on vaccinations for children in the full article.