Here’s Who’s Getting Omicron Now

Here’s Who’s Getting Omicron Now

Dr. BCW, Dr. Curry-Winchell,  discusses the COVID-19 Omicron variant and who is most commonly getting Omicron at this point.  This is an important topic as cases continue to rise.  Please take the time to read the full article linked below.

Read the full Eat This, Not That article here

Article Snippet:

COVID numbers are down in the U.S., but with a surge happening in Europe and Asia, experts warn we could see an uptick in cases. “What we’re seeing in Europe, and particularly in the U.K., is something we really need to pay attention to because they are starting to see a reversal and a resurgence of cases,” Dr. Anthony Fauci, chief medical adviser to the White House, told “GMA3” on Friday. “So even though our cases are continuing to come down, I would not be surprised if in the next couple of weeks … that we might well see an increase in cases.” Eat This, Not That! Health spoke with Dr. Bayo Curry-Winchell, Urgent Care Medical Director and Physician, Carbon Health, and Saint Mary’s Hospital who explains what to know about Omicron right now and who’s at risk for getting it. Read on—and to ensure your health and the health of others, don’t miss these Sure Signs You’ve Already Had COVID.

Dr. Curry-Winchell shares, “The increase in cases could be a warning sign the U.S. will face another Omicron surge.  In the past the U.S. has experienced a surge approximately four to six weeks after a rise in cases in Asia and Europe. The recent variant B.2 subvariant is extremely contagious however, on a positive note it’s not associated with an increase in lethality. It’s important to keep a close eye on the effect this new variant has on hospitalization and death rates…

See what else Dr. Curry-Winchell has to share as she answers questions for Eat This, Not That as they discuss who is getting Omicron Now


Here’s What Lupus Feels Like, Say Physicians

Here’s What Lupus Feels Like, Say Physicians

Dr. BCW, Dr. Curry-Winchell, talks with Eat This, Not That! about what it feels like to have Lupus.

Read the full Eat This, Not That article here

Article snippet:

Lupus is an autoimmune disease that affects an estimated 1.5 million Americans and an average of 5 million people worldwide, according to Dr. Daniel Boyer of Farr Institute tells us, “Lupus is a severe long-term disease caused by the effects of an overactive immune system that attacks healthy tissues in the body leading to organ damage, fever, and joint pains.” While there’s no cure for Lupus, there are effective treatments that can improve symptoms. Eat This, Not That! Health spoke with experts who explain what exactly lupus is, what it feels like and who is at risk. Read on—and to ensure your health and the health of others, don’t miss these Sure Signs You’ve Already Had COVID.

What is Lupus?

Dr. Bayo Curry-Winchell, Urgent Care Medical Director and Physician, St. Mary’s Health Network explains, “Lupus is a disease that involves your immune system-network that usually protects your body from disease. It’s attacking your body’s organs and tissues. Think of it as a battle or war happening within someone’s body without the presence of disease, infection, or injury. The organs most affected are the kidneys, lungs, brain, heart, and blood vessels.”

See what else Dr. BCW has to share as she answers questions for Eat This, Not That as they discuss What Lupus Feels Like.

Nevada’s mask mandate has been lifted. Now what?

Nevada’s mask mandate has been lifted. Now what?

Dr. BCW, Dr. Curry-Winchell, discusses the Nevada face mask mandate lift with the Nevada Independent

Read the full Nevada Independent article here

Dr. Curry-Winchell,

On what has been a long and uncertain road leading to the governor’s recent announcement about Nevada’s mask mandate being rolled back, there are still questions about what this new recommendation means for public health and our future as we move forward. For example, does this latest measure signal the end of the pandemic and are we really safe to say good-bye to masks?

Unfortunately, the lifting of the mask mandate doesn’t mean the pandemic is done. COVID-19 is still present, and we do not know whether the next variant will be worse, the same or milder.

The new mask guidelines from the State of Nevada are in response to COVID-19 virus infectivity rates. When rates are high in a specific area, it is recommended to still wear masks as they have been proven to provide a layer of protection from the virus. When infectivity rates trend lower, health and state officials make recommendations and respond accordingly — and that’s where you start to see a shift in restrictions such as what we are experiencing now.

For those who are unsure whether they should wear a mask or be a bit hesitant about unmasking, here are a few things to consider.

Hospitals and health care facilities can still require masks

According to the governor, hospitals and health care facilities are categorized as health and human services facilities and can therefore make their own decisions as to whether they will require masks. In these kinds of facilities, patients can range from those who are acutely ill to those seeking chemotherapy to those with other serious issues. It is important that these spaces are protected. Keep this in mind and consider providing a level of protection for yourself and other patients around you before entering….

Dr. Curry-Winchell continues to discuss the face mask mandate on The Nevada Independent


The urgent care aftermath of COVID-19

The urgent care aftermath of COVID-19

Dr. BCW, Dr. Curry-Winchell, works with Nevada Independent to review the urgent care aftermath of COVID-19.

Read the full Nevada Independent article here

Dr. BCW,

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused global devastation, producing long-term effects for all including those who have been diagnosed with the virus, those who lost loved ones to the virus,  and those struggling with the mental health impact of the virus. 

In urgent care facilities, we are seeing a blend of patients including those who have contracted COVID-19 and are suffering from the initial symptoms and those who are developing symptoms associated with long COVID. Initial symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath, fatigue and brain fog are mostly fleeting but are, unfortunately, long-lasting for some. Some long COVID patients are also continuing to cough and are experiencing additional symptoms including lack of concentration, which can be debilitating and disruptive to their daily lives. 

When you have a new cognitive impairment, the people you live and work with might not understand that you no longer have the same level of functionality — so there is also a social aspect that long-haulers have to navigate. They may find it stressful to talk about their symptoms and share their challenges with others, such as co-workers, bosses or friends, some of whom don’t believe them or are dismissive of  COVID.

Sadly, some pediatric patients with long COVID-19 are also having a hard time returning to normal activities. They are not able to walk or run as far, are experiencing chronic fatigue and are finding it hard to concentrate. Parents of these children struggle to help them understand COVID (or to understand it themselves) and worry about how symptoms could affect their children long-term as they grow. 

Additionally, we are seeing an increase in mental health issues. Some patients were already experiencing mental health challenges prior to the pandemic. During the pandemic, many people were not able to access services, as some facilities were completely shut down. Many people were also afraid to seek care because they were scared to catch the virus. Now, patients are visiting urgent care with mental health issues including anxiety, depression, eating disorders and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)…


Dr. BCW continues on The Nevada Independent

It’s not over — Omicron is here

It’s not over — Omicron is here

Dr. BCW, Dr. Curry-Winchell, reviews the new COVID-19 variant Omicron with the Nevada Independent

Read the full Nevada Independent article here

Dr. BCW,

The Omicron variant of COVID-19 has arrived and is surging across the U.S., dominating over other variants and bringing with it new concerns about its potential impact and more questions about whether vaccinations are truly working. 

To understand Omicron, you have to understand the nature of viruses. Viruses naturally mutate and continue to be present so that they can infect. This happens to a greater degree when there are not high rates of vaccinations and so now, unfortunately, we have yet another variant.

Omicron looks to be highly transmissible and for those who are unvaccinated, it can present a high risk of falling ill, along with possible hospitalization and potential death. For those who have received the vaccine and still contracted the virus –– known as a breakthrough infection –– the symptoms have generally been mild to moderate.  

At the beginning of the vaccine rollout, it was said by some and then widely socialized that vaccines were 100 percent effective in preventing the virus. No vaccine is 100 percent, though, and unfortunately some people who were vaccinated still contracted the virus and passed away. Unvaccinated people who are still skeptical, along with vaccinated individuals who have had breakthrough infections, may think the vaccine failed.

It didn’t. It actually did what it was supposed to do, which was provide a level of protection in the hope that fewer people would fall severely ill, be hospitalized or have a bad outcome. In the midst of breakthrough infections and a new variant, vaccines are still a valid way to better your odds on having a severe illness — and the best chance we have to fight COVID-19. To put it in perspective, if we were to go back in time to the beginning of the pandemic, we would be in a much graver situation now if we didn’t have the vaccines at all…

Dr. BCW continues on The Nevada Independent.

Tips for navigating the holidays and awkward COVID conversations

Tips for navigating the holidays and awkward COVID conversations

Dr. BCW, Dr. Curry-Winchell, mets with Nevada Independent to review the upcoming holidays and provides tips on awkward COVID conversations.

Ready the full Nevada Independent article here

You can see and feel it all around: The holiday season is officially here, and there is a true sense of excitement to travel again, gather together and get back to our normal lives. 

As we make and finalize plans, there are a few things to be mindful of during this time, especially as we visit with friends and family. First, remember that we are, unfortunately, still grappling with containing the COVID-19 virus even with vaccines and booster shots readily available to most Americans.

When planning to gather with loved ones and travel, here are a few tips to help  protect you and your family as you continue to navigate this environment.

Have “The Talk”

Though it can be uncomfortable and awkward to discuss, have an honest discussion up front about who is and is not vaccinated. Prior to engaging in those conversations, think about your values and comfort level when it comes to COVID-19 and the vaccine. This approach will allow you to set the tone for how you proceed with hosting or participating in holiday events.

Once you have decided your comfort level, and if you decide you need to know the vaccination status of those who also will attend an event, share that with people — and provide a reason as to why it’s personally important to you to know the information. 

For example, even before the vaccine rollout, I would share with people that I wasn’t comfortable going to certain events because I had a 98-year-old father and didn’t want to risk transmitting the virus to him. Communicating your personal reasons, such as, “I’m nervous and don’t want someone to get ill from my gathering,” can help prevent others from becoming defensive…

Dr. BCW continues on The Nevada Independent.

Can antibiotics, ivermectin and supplements help fight COVID-19?

Can antibiotics, ivermectin and supplements help fight COVID-19?

Dr. BCW, Dr. Curry-Winchell, talks antibiotics, ivermectin and supplements and weather or not they help fight COVID-19.

Read the full Nevada Independent article here

Dr. BCW,

As the junior year of the pandemic continues, many are still reluctant to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Frustrated, fearful and distrusting, some have turned to the use of unauthorized or unregulated drugs in hopes of preventing and treating the virus – despite an abundance of research and science-based data that supports the effectiveness of the vaccine.

When considering the use of drugs such as antibiotics, supplements and the now trending antiparasitic drug ivermectin, it’s important to note that COVID-19 is a virus, not a bacterial infection. The components of a virus and a bacterial infection are completely different. I often tell my patients that I can prescribe the strongest antibiotic in the world, but if they have a viral infection, it’s not going to help. In fact, taking an antibiotic to treat a virus will not have any benefits — and could cause adverse side effects or, unfortunately, cause a person to build up a resistance to antibiotics altogether.


According to the Federal Drug Administration (FDA), antiparasitic drugs such as Ivermectin should not be used to treat COVID-19. Antiparasitic medications–much like antibiotics–are not appropriate or effective treatments for the virus as these medications have yet to be proven to respond to viral infections. The FDA also says taking large doses of Ivermectin is “not ok” and that overdose on Ivermectin can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hypotension (low blood pressure), allergic reactions (itching and hives), dizziness, ataxia (problems with balance), seizures, coma and even death.

Though supplements and vitamins can help the immune system, they do not treat or prevent COVID-19. Supplements are not regulated, and we do not truly know the effects they have…

Dr. BCW continues on The Nevada Independent

The Importance of Breast Cancer Awareness for Black Women and Women of Color

The Importance of Breast Cancer Awareness for Black Women and Women of Color

Dr. BCW, Dr. Curry-Winchell joins Carbon Health, discussing the importance of Breast Cancer awareness for black women and women of color.

Read the full Carbon Health article here

Dr. Curry-Winchell,

In the United States, it’s expected that roughly 13 percent of women will develop invasive breast cancer during their life. That’s more than 280,000 cases every year. But the risks are not the same for everyone: According to data shared by the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, white women have the highest rates of diagnosed breast cancer, at 13 percent, followed closely by Black women at 12 percent (who, despite this slightly lower diagnosis rate, have the highest mortality rate of any demographic group). Hispanic and Asian and Pacific Islander women have a lifetime risk of 11 percent, followed by Native American women at 8 percent.

Doctors and researchers are working to determine exactly why these rates vary, but they point to many factors that contribute to rates of diagnosis and mortality among different communities.

Paying attention to breast health is important for everyone — this means regular visits with a healthcare provider, mammograms, and early detection, including monthly breast self-exams (learn more about the importance of self-exams and how to perform them, in “Keeping Abreast of Your Health with Regular Self-Exams.”) ?

BIPOC Communities and Breast Cancer

In the United States, Black women have the highest mortality rate from breast cancer. And even though white women are slightly more likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer, disease rates for breast cancer among young Black women are higher than their white counterparts.

There are many factors that influence how a person experiences breast cancer. Age at time of diagnosis, type of breast cancer, and overall health at time of diagnosis are contributing factors that can impact survival rates. Some other common contributing factors include….


Dr. Curry-Winchell continues on the full Carbon Health article.


Keeping Abreast of Your Health with Regular Self-Exams

Keeping Abreast of Your Health with Regular Self-Exams

Dr. BCW, Dr. Curry-Winchell, works with Carbon Health to discuss the importance of regular self-exams in breast cancer detection.

Read the full Carbon Health article here

Dr. Curry-Winchell,

According to the American Cancer Society, when breast cancer is detected early and is in the localized stage, the five-year relative survival rate is 99 percent. And early detection means not only regular visits with a healthcare provider and mammograms, but also monthly breast self-exams.

Staying in Touch with Your Body Through Breast Self-Exams

A lot has changed during the pandemic. Many people decided to put off healthcare and delay some routine preventive visits. People also noticed their bodies changing, in all sorts of ways, because of stress (as well as other factors). Doing a monthly breast self-exam isn’t just about looking for cancer. It’s part of staying acquainted with your body, checking in with it, and seeing what’s up. It’s a time to slow down and clue in. Is that a new freckle? Is there weight gain or loss? Muscle gain or loss? Our bodies have so much to tell us if we take the time to listen.

Am I Too Young for Breast Self-Checks?

Unless they have certain risk factors such as a family history of breast cancer, most people don’t start getting regular mammograms until they are 40 years old. This contributes to a misconception that breast health is not a concern until then. However, once you’ve passed puberty, monthly self-exams are a good idea. If you’ve never done a breast self-exam, you may be wondering where to begin. Here are few easy steps to get you started:

  • Begin by looking at your breasts in the mirror. Be sure you are standing on flat feet or sitting with as straight a back as you are able (no intentional slouching or leaning)….

Dr. BCW continues on the Carbon Health article.


COVID misinformation – Why I trust the data

COVID misinformation – Why I trust the data

Dr. BCW, “Why I trust the data” – Dr. Curry-Winchell,  tells the Nevada Independent why we should trust the data and not fall for COVID misinformation.

Read the full Nevada Independent article here

Dr. BCW,

There is an abundance of data and information—and misinformation—surrounding COVID-19 and the vaccine. For the general public, it might be hard to understand what the data actually mean or even trust the information being presented.  

As a physician, I rely upon peer-reviewed journals to make the best-informed decisions about my patients and implement my knowledge and experience as a medical professional accordingly. Created by scientists and physicians, peer reviews are vital tools that present an even deeper exploration into the studies of different disease processes and provide me with the optics of how a group of people are experiencing a disease as a whole.

Through this lens, I’m able to decide whether I want to endorse the use of a medication, or wait until there is another review with more information. For example, I like to see if a blind study was involved and the number of patients who participated, which can affect the overall outcome and accuracy of results.

For the COVID-19 vaccine, I looked to the works of virologist Dr. Kizzy Corbett, who was part of the clinical trials for the vaccine. Seeing how strong, robust, and accurate her work was provided me with my initial layer of trust. I then looked at how the studies were performed, and made certain they included all races, ages and ethnicities, and also that they were blind studies — meaning they included participants who didn’t know whether they were receiving the vaccine or a placebo. (In addition, mRNA vaccines were studied well past the beginning of the pandemic, which many people are completely unaware of. The history of mRNA vaccines and the way the trials were performed helped me trust that the vaccine would be effective.)

I’ve also used data I’ve found in specific studies to make decisions for my pediatric patients….

Dr. BCW further explains “Why I trust the data” in the full Nevada Independent article.