The Holiday Blues

Dr. Curry-Winchell, MD, Dr. BCW, talked with  @TheTWhitlow  on Fox5 about the Holiday Blues, the emotional challenges the holidays can bring. For Dr. BCW the recent passing of her father, William ‘Bill’ Curry, made this past holiday season even more challenging. Check out this quick segment for more details about how to deal with the increased emotional pressures the holidays can bring.  Holiday Blues can impact everyone but often impacts those dealing with the recent loss of a loved one.  Since Dr. Curry-Winchell lost her father just before last holiday season she has been working through these challenges.  Check out this clip for some helpful tips.

With all the misinformation out there it can be hard to find a source you can trust.  Dr. BCW, Dr. Curry-Winchell, prides herself on being that a trusted advisor for health information.  She is passionate about health advocacy and also health equity.  If you are looking for a health contributor that will provide health information in an understandable way, with health facts please consider following Dr. BCW on social media where she is providing information on health topics to help spread health literacy.

Check out the video below to see the information that Dr. BCW, Dr. Curry-Winchell shared with the Newsy host.  Thank you for taking the time.


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