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Social Media and Healthcare

Dr. Curry-Winchell, MD, Dr. BCW, joins News Nation. For a discussion on her views on a recent report on misdiagnosis and the impacts on patient health.  As well as her views on medicine and social media and how it is impacting healthcare.  Especially how social media is promoting misinformation and the impact it is having on patients.  Dr. BCW is an active health communicator on social media and is always working to fight misinformation.  Her goal is to leverage social media platforms to help share credible health information.  That is the purpose of her series Beyond Clinical Walls, in which she tackles trending healthcare topics to help improve health literacy.  You can follow Dr. BCW on social media on TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn to learn more about various trending health topics.  Check out this interview with News Nation to see what Dr. Curry-Winchell has to say.

With all the misinformation out there on social media it can be hard to find a source you can trust.  Dr. BCW, Dr. Curry-Winchell, prides herself on being a trusted advisor for health information.  She is passionate about health advocacy and health equity.  If you are looking for a health contributor that will provide health information in an understandable way, with healthcare facts please consider following Dr. BCW on social media where she is providing information on health topics to help spread health literacy.

Check out the video below to see the information that Dr. BCW, Dr. Curry-Winchell, shared with the News Nation News on Social Media and Healthcare.  Thank you for taking the time.