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Iron Deficiency in Women

Dr. Curry-Winchell, aka Dr. BCW, talks with NBC News to shed light on iron deficiency in woman. This condition significantly affecting women has seen a steady increase. Learn about the symptoms, causes, particularly in women. Discover the importance of iron in bodily functions. How iron impacts both physical and mental health. And of course ways to maintain healthy iron levels through diet and supplements. Dr. BCW’s insights are a must-watch for anyone looking to understand and manage iron deficiency better.

This interview reveals that a staggering 35% of U.S. women under 50 are iron deficient, a condition that can compromise the immune system and lead to cognitive and behavioral issues. Dr. BCW explains the varied symptoms of iron deficiency, including headaches, fatigue, sleep disturbances, brittle nails, and hair loss. She emphasizes the importance of recognizing these signs, especially given the disproportionate rate of missed diagnoses among women. Discussing the common causes, Dr. BCW highlights menstruation and pregnancy as key factors, alongside dietary habits. She also brings to light the concerning trend of women’s symptoms being dismissed in clinical settings, contributing to the under diagnosis of iron deficiency.

Dr. Curry-Winchell highlights the critical role of iron in transporting oxygen throughout the body. She explains how a deficiency can lead to difficulties in concentration, reduced physical capability, and overall mental sharpness. She offers practical advice on boosting iron levels, outlining dietary sources like meats, green leafy vegetables, tofu, and beans, and the role of supplements when dietary measures are insufficient.

However, Dr. BCW cautions against excessive iron intake, underscoring the importance of balance. Check out this interview with Dr. Curry-Winchell to better understand iron deficiency. Dr. BCW’s expertise provides valuable insights into managing and preventing iron deficiency.


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Dr. Curry-Winchell, shared with NBC News on iron deficiency in women and what it means.