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Booster Shots Cheddar News Appearance

Dr. BCW, Dr. Curry-Winchell in her most recent Cheddar News Appearance where she discusses the need for booster shots and how the spread of the Delta variant impacts the return to the classroom.

to watch the Cheddar News video click here

Check out this interview in the link below as Dr. BCW talks with Cheddar News about the importance of booster shots to help improve your protection against the COVID virus.  With the recent increase in the spread of the Delta variant makes the need to protect yourself all the more important.  As Delta continues to see rising cases it has also posed some concerns to the ability to have children return to the classroom.  The need to return to normal must be balanced with public safety.  Keeping appraised of up to date information can be important during this critical time with fast moving changes.

Please take the time to review the video and give serious consideration to going out and getting your vaccine booster if you have not received your first shot yet, then please consider getting our first vaccine.  If you have concerns or questions if the vaccine is right for you please reach out to your family medicine provider to get information to help you make the best decision for you.


If you missed Dr. BCWs Today Show intro catch it here