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The CPR Equity Gap

In this episode of Beyond Clinical Walls, Dr. Bayo Curry-Winchell (Dr. BCW) brings attention to the health equity gap in CPR administration, particularly affecting Black and Hispanic communities. Highlighting a study by the American College of Cardiology, Dr. BCW reveals the stark disparities in receiving CPR during cardiac arrests at home and in public. With the knowledge that CPR significantly increases survival rates, she urges everyone to learn CPR and be prepared to act in emergencies. Dr. BCW’s message is clear: Learning CPR is not just a skill—it’s a step towards closing the health equity gap and saving lives. Join us in spreading awareness and empowering communities with the knowledge to save lives.

#beyondclinicalwalls #CPRSavesLives #HealthEquity #DrBCW #LearnCPR #CardiacArrestAwareness #BeyondClinicalWalls #SaveALife #CommunityHealth #AmericanHeartAssociation #emergencypreparedness