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Extended Cut: Eating Disorders in the Black Community

In this episode of Beyond Clinical Walls, Dr. Curry-Winchell tackles the critical and often overlooked issue of eating disorders in the black community. She delves into the pervasive stigmas and biases that lead to under-diagnosis and misrepresentation of eating disorders in diverse populations. Dr. BCW challenges the narrow stereotype that eating disorders only affect white professional women, pointing out that they can, in fact, impact individuals of any race, gender, ethnicity, and body type. By highlighting these disparities, Dr. BCW calls for a much-needed shift in the healthcare industry’s approach to diagnosis and treatment. She emphasizes the importance of health education and literacy as tools for empowerment and better care.

To see more check out Dr. BCW’s article with SheKnows regarding eating disorders in the black community titled:

Why Eating Disorders in Black People Frequently Go Undiagnosed, According to a Doctor: