Important Health Tips Before Surgery, dr bcw, dr curry-winchell, beyond clinical walls

Important Health Tips Before Surgery

Hi, it’s Dr. Curry-Winchell or Dr. BCW. I want to discuss some information health tips to know before surgery, tips that patients rarely receive regarding surgery. Surgery can be a daunting experience, but being well-prepared and informed can help alleviate some of the anxiety. So let us discuss some crucial aspects to consider before undergoing surgery. Often overlooked factors can significantly impact your post-operative experience and overall recovery.

Pain Medication and Constipation Risk:

It’s essential to be aware that certain medications prescribed for pain relief before, during, or after surgery can lead to constipation. Powerful painkillers, such as narcotics, can affect your digestive system, causing disruptions in regular bowel activity. To minimize the risk, consider taking a stool softener a few days before the surgery and while using pain medications. This simple step can help prevent discomfort and ensure a smoother recovery process.


Hydration and Frequent Urination:

During recovery, you may find yourself resting in bed and drinking less water than usual. Nevertheless, it’s crucial to stay hydrated and make a conscious effort to pee regularly. Holding urine for extended periods can create a breeding ground for bacteria, increasing the likelihood of developing a urinary tract infection (UTI). Additionally, prolonged immobility weakens bladder muscles, leading to potential complications.


Movement and Blood Clot Prevention:

If your surgeon allows it, staying active or mobile after surgery is highly recommended. Prolonged periods of sitting or lying down without movement can impede blood flow, potentially leading to the formation of blood clots, known as deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Blood clots can have severe consequences and even be life-threatening. By engaging in light activity and regular leg movements, you encourage blood circulation, reducing the risk of DVT and promoting a faster recovery.


Open Dialogue with Your Surgeon:

Open communication with your surgeon is vital before, during, and after surgery. Ask questions about the procedure, expected outcomes, potential alternatives, and necessary preparations. Being well-informed will help you mentally prepare and have realistic expectations, whether the surgery is minor or major. An open dialog with your surgeon ensures that you know what to expect and can actively participate in your recovery.



Surgery can be a challenging experience, but being well-informed about potential risks and taking appropriate precautions can greatly improve your recovery. Remember to address concerns regarding pain medication, stay hydrated and make frequent bathroom visits, remain as active as allowed under your surgeon’s guidance, and engage in open conversations with your surgeon. Implementing these important health tips before surgery can enhance your surgical experience and set the foundation for a successful recovery.