No Menthol Sunday

Hi, it’s Dr. Curry-Winchell, Dr. BCW, and today, let’s talk about No Menthol Sunday. No Menthol Sunday is an important initiative that aims at addressing the issue of menthol cigarettes and their impact on Black communities. Let’s delve into this topic and shed light on menthol.

The Influence of Menthol Marketing

Menthol is a minty flavor added to tobacco products, enticing younger individuals to start smoking and making it more challenging for them to quit. Shockingly, research reveals that 85% of Black smokers prefer menthol cigarettes, while only 30% of White smokers do. This is not an accident. This results from decades of targeted marketing efforts by the tobacco industry in Black communities.

The Role of the Tobacco Industry

The tobacco industry has invested heavily in advertising menthol products in Black publications and communities for years. This deliberate strategy has perpetuated the disproportionate prevalence of menthol cigarette use among Black smokers. By specifically targeting these communities, the tobacco industry has contributed to the disparities in health outcomes Black individuals face.

The Difficulty in Quitting Menthol

Studies have shown that quitting menthol cigarettes is more challenging than quitting tobacco without this flavor. The menthol’s cooling sensation can create a soothing effect, making it harder for individuals to break free from the addiction. Consequently, many Black smokers find it especially difficult to quit smoking.

The Impact on Health and Quality of Life

More than 16 million Americans currently live with smoking-related diseases. Black smokers, in particular, experience a higher burden of smoking-related health issues, such as shortness of breath, chest pain, chronic cough, and recurring lung infections. These symptoms disrupt their ability to engage in daily activities and enjoy life fully.

No Menthol Sunday and Taking Action

No Menthol Sunday is an important initiative to raise awareness about the impact of menthol cigarettes and support Black communities in overcoming this challenge. By educating individuals about the harmful effects of menthol and providing resources for quitting, this campaign seeks to empower Black smokers to make healthier choices and improve their overall well-being.

Getting Involved

I highly recommend watching “Black Lives / Black Lungs” by Lincoln Mondy on YouTube (link here). This eye-opening video sheds light on the intersection of race, tobacco marketing, and the impact on Black lives. To learn more about “No Menthol Sunday” and the organization responsible for establishing it, The Center for Black Health and Equity, please visit their websites. By supporting these organizations and spreading awareness about the impact of menthol cigarettes, we can help reduce health disparities and promote healthier communities.


The impact of menthol cigarettes on Black communities is a pressing issue that requires our attention. We can make a difference by supporting initiatives like “No Menthol Sunday” and promoting health equity for all. Stay informed, take action, and remember your health matters.

– Dr. BCW (Dr. Curry-Winchell)